The main fields of my research are philosophy of science and epistemology. I also work on some specific topics in philosophy of physics. My goal is to contribute to a deeper understanding of some of the most fundamental features of science, but I also believe that philosophy should be socially engaged. As a result, my research programme has both a theoretical and a more applied dimension.
Philosophy of Climate Change
Climate change raises fundamental questions that require a philosophical approach integrating scientific, technological, moral, political and epistemological considerations. I focus particularly on the following three areas:
- Mitigation of climate change
How should we conceptualise what is needed to mitigate global warming? Is the ‘energy transition’ simply a relatively shallow matter of finding technological solutions to ‘unplug’ fossil fuels and ‘plug in’ low-carbon alternatives, or is it much deeper, requiring radical changes to all the cultural and economic building blocks of society?
- Science communication
How is the science of climate mitigation communicated to policy-makers and the public, and can this communication be improved?
- Climate disinformation
How do we understand and tackle disinformation about the climate? What does climate disinformation tell us about disinformation more generally?
Societal Trust
I occupy an endowed chair from the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities (Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen) and the Rudolf Agricola School of the University of Groningen. The aim of the chair is to develop our understanding of societal trust. This includes understanding what is currently undermining societal trust and creating positive visions for how to improve it. The chair is embedded in the Rudolf Agricola school at the University of Groningen, which focuses on the broad problem of how to develop a sustainable society. I lead an interdisciplinary research group on the topic of societal trust within this school. There is synergy with my involvement with the Public Participation Centre in Groningen, the NWO Gravitation projects SCOOP on Sustainable Cooperation and SOCION on Social Cohesion.
Focal points are:
- The role of trust in disagreement and societal polarisation
- The effects of misinformation and disinformation on trust
- Trust in science, especially in relation to the problem of climate change.
Social Epistemology
Urgent environmental challenges like climate change and biodiversity loss require unprecedented levels of cooperation and trust. Yet, in society we see divisions and polarisation which threaten to undermine not only cooperation, but even social cohesion. I am interested in what drives disagreements between people and groups – how do disagreements become deep and intractable? What causes societies to polarise in their beliefs? What should you do when trust in your own judgement is undermined? And how should we overcome deep differences in worldviews?
These interests have developed out of my research project ‘Weighing Evidence Reliably’ (2016-2020), which was funded by a Veni grant from the Dutch Science Foundation (NWO). The project investigated how we should factor considerations about the reliability of our sources of information into our overall procedures for weighing evidence.
- Leah Henderson (2022) Higher-order evidence and losing one’s conviction, Noûs 56 (3), pp. 513-529.
- Leah Henderson and Alexander Gebharter (2021) The role of source reliability in belief polarisation, Synthese.
- Leah Henderson (2020) Resolution of deep disagreement: not simply consensus, Informal Logic 40 (3), pp. 359-382.
Philosophy of Science
Scientific Realism debate
I am interested in the nature of the scientific realism debate, and whether it should be conducted at the local or the global level. In recent work, I am developing an argument for a naturalistic approach to the scientific realism debate.
- Leah Henderson (2018). Global vs. local arguments for realism. In Routledge Handbook on Scientific Realism, Routledge, edited by Juha Saatsi.
- Leah Henderson (2017). The No Miracles Argument and the Base Rate Fallacy. Synthese 194 (4), pp. 1295-1302.
Book reviews:
- Leah Henderson (2023) The Instrument of Science: Scientific Anti-Realism Revitalised by Darrell Rowbottom: Reorienting the scientific realism debate, invited contribution to a book forum, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 98, 202304, pp. 4-6.
- Leah Henderson (2017). An introduction to the scientific realism debate. Book review of A Critical Introduction to Scientific Realism by Paul Dicken. Metascience, 26(2), pp. 219-222.
The problem of induction
I have written the Stanford Encyclopedia article on the problem of induction, and have engaged with recent work on meta-induction.
- Leah Henderson (2023) Crossing Levels: Meta-induction and the Problem of Induction, discussion note, Philosophy of Science,
- Leah Henderson (2018) The problem of induction, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, ed. E. Zalta.
Frameworks in science
Scientific theories can be regarded as organised into hierarchies, with higher levels sometimes called ‘paradigms’ or ‘frameworks’, and lower levels encoding more specific or concrete hypotheses. Together with cognitive scientists Josh Tenenbaum and Noah Goodman, and the philosopher of science Jim Woodward, I showed how this hierarchical picture of theories can be integrated with a Bayesian approach to confirmation.
- Leah Henderson, Noah D. Goodman, Joshua B. Tenenbaum & James F. Woodward (2010). The Structure and Dynamics of Scientific Theories: A Hierarchical Bayesian Perspective. Philosophy of Science 77 (2), pp.172-200.
Inference to the Best Explanation and Bayesianism
I have argued for a new way of understanding the relationship between Inference to the Best Explanation (IBE) and Bayesianism, which I call ‘emergent compatibilism’. According to this view, it is not necessary to see explanatory considerations as heuristics or extra constraints on priors or likelihoods. Rather they can be shown to be reflected in the Bayesian likelihoods, given constraints on the priors that a Bayesian might independently adopt. This builds on the work on hierarchical Bayesian models above.
- Leah Henderson (2023) On the mutual exclusivity of competing hypotheses, Conjunctive Explanations: New Essays on the Nature, Epistemology, and Psychology of Explanatory Multiplicity, ed. Jonah Schupbach and David Glass, Routledge, Chap. 7.
- Leah Henderson (2022) Putting Inference to the Best Explanation into context, (final draft) Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 94, pp. 167-176.
- Leah Henderson (2017). Bayesianism and Inference to the Best Explanation: the case of individual vs group selection in biology. In Best Explanations: new essays on Inference to the Best Explanation, pp. 248-262, Oxford University Press, edited by Ted Poston and Kevin McCain.
- Leah Henderson (2013). Bayesianism and Inference to the Best Explanation. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 65, pp. 687-715.
Philosophy of physics
Prior to pursuing a career in philosophy, I did a PhD and a post-doc in quantum information theory (see my publications in this area here). Quantum information theory is a new cross-disciplinary field which brings together theoretical and experimental quantum physics with computer science, logic and information theory. I have ongoing research interests in what we can learn from quantum information theory about traditional foundational problems in quantum mechanics. In particular, I have looked at what implications the ongoing efforts to reformulate the foundations of quantum mechanics in terms of information-theoretic principles have for interpretation of the theory (Henderson, submitted). This forms part of a general interest in the conceptual implications of reformulation or reaxiomatisation of existing physical theories (Henderson 2014 discusses the case of thermodynamics).
- Leah Henderson (2018). Quantum reaxiomatisations and information-theoretic interpretations of quantum theory. Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics.
- Leah Henderson (2014). Can the second law of thermodynamics be compatible with time-reversal-invariant dynamics? Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 47, pp. 90-98.
- Leah Henderson (2010). Bayesian updating and information gain in quantum measurement, in Philosophy of quantum information and entanglement, ed. A. Bokulich and G. Jaeger, Cambridge University Press (2010). Presented at Boston Colloquium for Philosophy of Science 2006.
- Leah Henderson (2003). The Von Neumann Entropy: A Reply to Shenker. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 54 (2), pp. 291-296.
- Leah Henderson (2002). Measuring quantum entanglement, in T. Placek and J. Butterfield (ed.) Non-locality and Modality (Kluwer Academic Press, Dordrecht), pp. 137-152.
Quantum Information Theory
In quantum information theory, I worked primarily on entanglement measures and protocols. My papers from that time:
- Matthew S. Leifer, Leah Henderson and Noah Linden (2003). Optimal entanglement generation from quantum operations. Physical Review A – Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 67 (1), pp. 012306/1-012306/7.
- Jacob A. Dunningham, Sougato Bose, Leah Henderson, Vlatko Vedral, and Keith Burnett (2002). Entanglement concentration in Bose-Einstein condensates. Physical Review A – Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 65 (6 A), pp. 643021-643024.
- Leah Henderson, Noah Linden, and Sandu Popescu (2001). Are all noisy quantum states obtained from pure ones? Physical Review Letters, 87 (23), art. no. 237901, pp. 2379011-2379013.
- Leah Henderson and Vlatko Vedral (2001). Classical, quantum and total correlations. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 34 (35), pp. 6899-6905.
- Leah Henderson, Lucien Hardy, and Vlatko Vedral (2000). Two-state teleportation. Physical Review A – Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 61 (6), pp. 1-8.
- Leah Henderson and Vlatko Vedral (2000). Information, Relative Entropy of Entanglement, and Irreversibility. Physical Review Letters, 84 (10), pp. 2263-2266.
- Richard Cleve, Artur Ekert, Leah Henderson, Chiara Macchiavello and Michele Mosca On quantum algorithms. Complexity 4, 33 (1998).